AMSA-Time 2020

Pada tanggal 31 Januari 2021, AMSA-UKI mengadakan acara AMSA-Time, yaitu acara yang merupakan program kerja dari divisi Membership and Development. AMSA-Time 2020, yang diketuai oleh Juan Alessandro dari angkatan 2019, mengambil tema “Pengaruh Covid-19 Terhadap...


Greetings, People of Tomorrow! After a week of internship, we would like to inform you about new members of AMSA-UKI.  Congratulations to the new members of AMSA-UKI that have passed the internship phase! Don’t forget to prepare yourself for the next phase. We...

AMSA-UKI’s Representative Election 2020/2021

Dear, People of Tomorrow! On behalf of the Executive Board of AMSA-UKI 2019/2020, I would like to give my highest appreciation and gratitude for every single members of AMSA-UKI who has contributed greatly to improving our beloved AMSA-UKI until now. It turns out, all...

BUILD THE SENSE 2020 – Thalassophile

Hello, People of Tomorrow! Viva AMSA! Pada hari Sabtu, 1 Februari 2020, AMSA-UKI kembali menyelenggarakan acara Build The Sense 2020 atau yang kita kenal dengan sebutan BTS, yakni sebuah acara dimana antara tiap-tiap anggota AMSA-UKI yang baru dengan anggota-anggota...