by AMSA-UKI | Feb 14, 2018 | Events, Local, News, Uncategorized
Congratulation! These are the names of new members of AMSA-UKI 2018. We would like to congratulate and appreciate them and we are looking forward to work as a team with them. Enjoy your time with AMSA! Welcome to the Family❤️ #Vivaamsa
by AMSA-UKI | Feb 14, 2018 | Events, Local, Uncategorized
AMSA-Time 2018 has giving us an amazing opportunity in exploring childhood child cancer disease. Not only campaign, we’ll also show our support to children with cancer, the survivors, and their families. #Vivaamsa
by AMSA-UKI | Feb 14, 2018 | Events, Local, Uncategorized
It was such a beautiful experience with AMSA-UKI members. Amsa Care 2017 with theme “Know,Prevent and Protect from HIV/AID has giving us an amazing opportunity to know more about HIV/AIDS and the impact on the society. It was held on Sunday 10th of December. Thank You...